Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Gizmo.map [how to reach Gizmo in Caitlin's dwelling]


See him? Waaay back there. Next to the PANDA calendar...

Gizmo POV

For my "put something here" project I placed Gizmo in a different part of my -very small- apartment.

Wait, let me explain.

Case #1: I live in a one room (studio) apartment. My boyfriend [Luke] has recently been living with me. We're both active individuals with a lot of -STUFF-. The little, tiny apartment has filled up quite rapidly and has become overwhelming.

Case #2: I am working on an animation. The animation requires that I draw /and ink/ 40 pictures a day on average, this = I.do.not.leave.my.apartment.very.often. In fact, this = I-do-not-leave-my-neighborhood-almost-never. Because of this, I change the apartment around often, in the grasping hope that it can remain a suitable living enviornment until we M0VE to a larger [more spacious] place.

In Conclusion: These factors cause me to live an almost non.existent life (socially). This means that Gizmo and I stare eye-to-eye quite often. Though, not recently. The small size of my apartment caused me to rearrange and remove Gizmo [and the television and VCR on top of which he /still/ resides] from my desk--where I so long spend time animating--to slightly right of the desk. Which is :infact: the opposite side from where I spend most of my time [slightly to the left of the desk].

Finale: I've learned how much an intimate life can become ovewhelming. The animation has caused me to spend most of my time indoors and if not /indoors/ than atleast in a 12.block.radius of my neighborhood. The only time I leave the nighborhood is to go to class [temple.university], but after class I come right back home. It wasn't until recently that I realized how much this can affect one's world view [maybe I shouldn't use the word realized, but I didn't /pay attention/ prior to]. I fianlly went to visit a friend outside of my NEIGHBORHOOD and suddenly I felt this amazing sense of W0RLD. He was a reminder of the fact that an entire world exists out there. That life doesn't just function within a 12.block.radius. He let me know that just sitting with Giz.mo is not life, and that maybe it should be a priority to fit friends into a busy schedule. It is. It is a PRI0RITY.


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